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Showing posts from August, 2012

PHP, Magic_Quotes. Getting rid of magic quotes issues

This is how i get rid of magic quotes issues on my PHP projects. function array_map_r( $func, $arr ) { $newArr = array(); foreach( $arr as $key => $value ) { $newArr[ $key ] = ( is_array( $value ) ? array_map_r( $func, $value ) : ( is_array($func) ? call_user_func_array($func, $value) : $func( $value ) ) ); } return $newArr; } if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { // Yes? Strip the added slashes $_REQUEST = array_map_r('stripslashes', $_REQUEST); $_GET = array_map_r('stripslashes', $_GET); $_POST = array_map_r('stripslashes', $_POST); $_COOKIE = array_map_r('stripslashes', $_COOKIE); } else { $_REQUEST = array_map_r('addslashes', $_REQUEST); $_GET = array_map_r('addslashes', $_GET); $_POST = array_map_r('addslashes', $_POST); $_COOKIE = array_map_r('addslashes', $_COOKIE); }

PHP, Simple export to csv tutorial for magento

Here is a very simple code you can use to generate your csv file : unlink("upload.csv"); $handle_out = fopen("upload.csv", "a"); $fields_put=array('sku', 'name', 'price', 'short_description', 'description', 'attribute_set', 'type', 'status', 'visibility', 'tax_class_id', 'category_ids', 'weight'); fputcsv($handle_out, $fields_put, '|' ,'"'); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $description=ereg_replace( "\r\n", "", $row['short_description']); $description=ereg_replace( "\r\t", "", $description); $description=ereg_replace( "\r", "", $description); $description=ereg_replace( "\t", "", $description); $description=ereg_replace( "\n", "", ...

PHP remove hidden characters from text

PHP remove hidden character like line breaks and tabs and hidden character like following: $description=ereg_replace( "\r\n", "", $row['short_description']); $description=ereg_replace( "\r\t", "", $description); $description=ereg_replace( "\r", "", $description); $description=ereg_replace( "\t", "", $description); $description=ereg_replace( "\n", "", $description); $description=ereg_replace( "\xA0", "", $description); $description=ereg_replace( "\x0B", "", $description); $description=ereg_replace( '"', '""', $description);  This really helps when you are creating a CSV file which has line breaks. Some softwares like magento doesn't import the csv file properly if you have line breaks or hidden characters in your text. It counts each hidden character as new line.