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Showing posts from 2016

Yii2: Using csrf token

Yii2: Using csrf token First, if you do not understand what is the CSRF token? and why should we use it, please refer to the following link : One of the new features of Yii2 is CSRF validation enabled by default. If you use ajax or basic form as follows : <form action='#' method='POST'> ........... </form> You will get an error exception : Bad Request (#400): Unable to verify your data submission That is because you do not submit csrf token. The easiest way if you dont care about csrf just disable it in main config : 'components' => [ 'request' => [ .... 'enableCsrfValidation'=>false, ], ..... ], Or in Controller : public function beforeAction($action) { $this->enableCsrfValidation = false; return parent::beforeAction($action); } So how to use Csrf Validation for your strong security website: * Wi...

Yii2 REST API remove tag

$xml = new \ yii \ web \ XmlResponseFormatter ; $xml -> rootTag = 'Response' ;         Yii :: $app -> response -> format = 'custom_xml' ; Yii :: $app -> response -> formatters [ 'custom_xml' ] = $xml ;         return [ 'customer' => [ 'name' => 'John Smith' ]];