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yii, easy and simple user role management using yii's AuthManager

Step 1 : 
Create table :

`username` VARCHAR(45),
`password` VARCHAR(254),
`title` VARCHAR(45),

Step 2 :

Add following code in config/main.php

            'defaultRoles'=>array('authenticated', 'guest'),
 Below this code 
   'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=comocomo',
   'emulatePrepare' => true,
   'username' => 'root',
   'password' => 'abc123',
   'charset' => 'utf8',

Step 3: 
Create model and crud for user table useing GII or Shell

Step 4: 

You can now go back to the authentication guide and alter your UserIdentity to access the User table and check access like so:
class UserIdentity extends CUserIdentity
    private $_id;
    public function authenticate()
        else if($record->password!==md5($this->password))
            $this->setState('title', $record->title);
        return !$this->errorCode;
    public function getId()
        return $this->_id;
NOTE the override for getId -- this is VERY important for the authentication systems later.

Step 5 :
Now it's time to add more tables to the database for Authentication rule storage. 
In your main yii directory is a file called framework/web/auth/schema.sql . 
Run this file through your mysql command prompt (or editor of choice) and you will have three new tables set up for Authentication Management.
 They are: AuthAssignment, AuthItem, AuthItemChild

Step 6: 

Run following code once in by placing it an any executabelf ile of your yii web app:


$bizRule='return !Yii::app()->user->isGuest;';
$auth->createRole('authenticated', 'authenticated user', $bizRule);
$bizRule='return Yii::app()->user->isGuest;';
$auth->createRole('guest', 'guest user', $bizRule);

$role = $auth->createRole('admin', 'administrator');
$auth->assign('admin',1); // adding admin to first user created 

Step 7 : 
In your Controllers (we'll use the User as an example since we created that one above) you can now change the /protected/controllers/UserController.php accessRules function to allow only your admin to delete users as such:
public function accessRules(){
    return array(
        array('allow', // allow anyone to register
              'users'=>array('*'), // all users
        array('allow', // allow authenticated users to update/view
        array('allow', // allow admins only to delete
        array('deny', // deny anything else

Step 8:

We need a task which allows users to update their own information. Back to the shell:
$bizRule = 'return Yii::app()->user->id==$params["User"]->id;';
$auth->createTask('updateSelf', 'update own information', $bizRule);

$role = $auth->getAuthItem('authenticated'); // pull up the authenticated role
$role->addChild('updateSelf'); // assign updateSelf tasks to authenticated users
Step 9:
Finally Open the UserController.php file again and move to the actionUpdate() function. We'll need to modify it as such: 

public function actionUpdate()
    $model = $this->loadModel();
    // set the parameters for the bizRule
    $params = array('User'=>$model);
    // now check the bizrule for this user
    if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('updateSelf', $params) &&
        throw new CHttpException(403, 'You are not authorized to perform this action');

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