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php recursive fucntion to get categories and subcategories

Here is my simple recursive function to create a category subcategory tree of unlimited subcategories.

<select name="parent_cat">
       <option value="0">Root</option>
          function get_all_sub_cats($parent_cat_id, $level_string)
              $db=new DB();
              $db->query("select * from categories where parent_id='{$parent_cat_id}'");
                      $return_str.="<option value=\"{$db->rs['id']}\" style=\"padding-left:10px\">{$level_string}{$db->rs['name']}</option>";
                      $return_str.=get_all_sub_cats($db->rs['id'], $level_string.'+');
                  return false;
              return $return_str;
           print get_all_sub_cats('0', '');

This is to fit my needs. You can get the logic and build your own accordingly.

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